The Sublet

-Premiered at the Whistler Film Festival
-Distributed by Black Fawn Films/Breakthrough Entertainment
-Released as ‘The Resident’ in the UK

SCREAM Magazine--

"Puts a stalwart spin on supernatural clichés by tapping into the intimidating terrors of postpartum depression, pushing baby blues to harrowing limits that will have you thinking twice and thrice about motherhood" 


Ain't It Cool News--

"It’s got elements of ROSEMARY’S BABY as it seems the world around Joanna is out to get her and the haunted history and bizarre photos around the sublet apartment gave me a vibe which reminded me of THE SHINING. Still there are no direct lifts from these iconic films and if you’re going to be reminded of a horror film, these two films are ones to go for... This is one of those films that will burrow under your skin and won’t let you forget it. Filled with an overall sense of creep from minute one, the scares and shocks intensify to a nerve-shredding level by the end of THE SUBLET."